Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Recap

Well the first of April started with me getting fooled royally. Here is the transcription of how it went down, courtesy of Chad Bryan for allowing me to post the conversation.

AIM IM with charlesthrice4/1/08 12:45 AM
charlesthrice: shoot man.
charlesthrice: i just read your blog.
charlesthrice: and now it's april fool's day.
Shaun King: oh really
Shaun King: it is
charlesthrice: but the one thing about your idea...
charlesthrice: the kaysha one...
charlesthrice: Well, I talked to her today...
charlesthrice: it was kind of a big talk for us.
charlesthrice: Like biggest ever.
Shaun King: wow, sounds big
charlesthrice: I mean, I'd told her my feelings before
charlesthrice: but she'd never told her feelings back the way she did today.
Shaun King: crazy
charlesthrice: bro, i think i'm going to marry her.
charlesthrice: and i think she wants to marry me.
Shaun King: haha, that would make me pretty darn happy as well
charlesthrice: it's kinda blowing my mind right now.
Shaun King: and I can't help but laugh remembering a few months back when you once again told me you were over her for good
charlesthrice: it's like i've had butterflies in my stomach ever since i talked to her.
charlesthrice: hahaha...
charlesthrice: oh man.
Shaun Kingso: what did she say, if you don't mind sharing a little
charlesthrice: Shaun...did you even pay attention to how i started this conversation?
Shaun King: dangit, april fools day
charlesthrice: hahahahahaha
Shaun King: I just got hosed didn't I
charlesthrice: oh man...
charlesthrice: The truth is...
charlesthrice: i did talk to her today.
Shaun King: i'M SUCH A FOOL
Shaun King: i am pretty much the most gullible guy i know
Shaun King: I guess I just wished it to be true myself
charlesthrice: well, i really did talk to her...
Shaun King: well thats good
charlesthrice: and the thing is...
charlesthrice: it wasn't good.
charlesthrice: cause it all just started coming out...my feelings i mean.
Shaun King: wait, so the feelings are back?
Shaun King: wait, you aren't fooling me again are you
charlesthrice: no...she totally shut me down.
charlesthrice: for good.
Shaun King: ah man, sorry bout that
charlesthrice: nah. i'm fooling again.
Shaun King: I'll never trust you again chad
charlesthrice: But the truth is, i did talk to her today! First time in a couple of weeks...but we didn't talk about feelings at all.
charlesthrice: oh man shaun......it's april fools day!
charlesthrice: you can't trust any man!
Shaun King: oops, didn't mean to yell that
charlesthrice: hahaha...i hope so.
charlesthrice: let this be a lesson--i don't want you being had any more today! You have to be the hadder!
Shaun King: hey can I post this conversation as a blog
charlesthrice: Speaking of which--any ideas for the april fools?
Shaun King: I'll try
charlesthrice: Oh man, Please do!
charlesthrice: hahaha
Shaun King: you can also feel free to do so if you wanna show people how good of a fooler you are and how dumb I am
charlesthrice: hahaha
charlesthrice: oh man.
Shaun King: but, sadly, no ideas yet, been kind of a hectic weekend
charlesthrice: well, if you and i were sitting here face to face, you would've known. I've got nothing for a poker face
charlesthrice: shoot man.
Shaun King: yeah, I can picture your face now and can easily see the laughing deceit in it
charlesthrice: oh man...i think i'm ok with being a really terrible liar.
charlesthrice: i'm pretty gullible myself actually
charlesthrice: i was actually voted 'most gullible' in my senior class--i didn't even realize i was until i got my yearbook. Then i started asking people if i was gullible and they were like "OH MY GOSH! MOST GULLIBLE PERSON I KNOW."
charlesthrice: it was harsh.
Shaun King: wow
Shaun King: think you could convince Caleb of what you just told me? or does he know too much to know better
charlesthrice: hahaha...
charlesthrice: i think you could
charlesthrice: any chance you're with him now?
Shaun King: nope
Shaun King: I might not even see him tomorrow actually
charlesthrice: oh man.
charlesthrice: well still. you can use this by all means.
Shaun King: oh I plan on it
Shaun King: if i see Caleb can I tell him about this conversation as if its truth?
charlesthrice: oh yes
charlesthrice: please do
Shaun King: think he'll buy it?
charlesthrice: hard to say...i think he could
charlesthrice: but it's one of those things, he might think, "Why haven't i heard it from chad or kaysha?"
Shaun King: we might need to get Tori in on it, that might make it more believable
charlesthrice: and think you're trying to fool him.
Shaun King: cause it happened this late at night and I just happened to be up still for you to tell me
charlesthrice: How about I'll call tori in the morning and get her--like trick her. but after i tell her the truth, i'll tell her you and i are getting caleb and she needs to get in on it
Shaun King: sounds like a plan
Shaun King: better than nothing anyways
charlesthrice: absolutely

So thats the beginning, later on in the conversation I got him back, but we didn't get my permission to publicly display that part of the conversation. Just know it was equally good, or equally bad depending on your perception of it.

Unfortunately, nothing big ever ended up happening. Chad did get Tori in the morning, but at night, I feebly tried to get Caleb, but pretty much just ended up getting fooled myself as Caleb just acted like he didn't care, and then mocked me at the end for trying. Apparently my not so good friend Joe tipped him off beforehand. So overall, April Fools day was a big failure. Maybe one of these years I'll pull something big that will live on in infamy. Until then, live happily.


Anonymous said...

oh man. i really did get you good sucka.

let's start planning next year's right now!

any ideas?

Heidi said...

very intertaining. :)

Unknown said...

I April fooled Matt by telling him I forgot to feed is fish while he was gone and they all died.