Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bald is Beautiful

Today in class I had a wonderful form of entertainment to keep my mind occupied for a good while. It was a bald man with a penny stuck to his head. He wasn't too close, so I was a little unsure whether I was seeing this correctly or not. I wondered if it was there on purpose as if it was maybe some sort of new alternative healing act; like perhaps the penny was creating some sort of magnetic field that was to draw new hair out or something crazy like that. He did still have the poofs of denial (thanks for that phrase Kylee) going on the sides, so he wasn't completely bald. I also wondered how it was possibly stuck there that well as it was not even close to being on a level surface at all. I kept a close eye on the guy though, and after a while I saw him reaching for an itch on his head. He missed on the first few swipes, but then he got it, and for that split second he looked rather confused. He looked at what the item was that he just took from his extended forehead, then placed it in his shirt pocket like nothing ever happened. Apparently he didn't know it was there.

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